Why is Lypo-Spheric® Vitamin C a gel? Lypo-Spheric® Vitamin C is a gel because it’s made with high quality Phospholipids (Phospholipids are essential for the integrity of our cell membranes).
Any product that is a watery liquid in a sachet is not Lypo-Spheric® Vitamin C.
If it doesn’t say Lypo-Spheric® on the box it isn’t Lypo-Spheric® Vitamin C.
Be Aware of Imitations Unlike many imitators, LivOn has invested a lot over the past 12 years to ensure their product has stable liposomes. Unless this is achieved you can’t claim to have a true liposomal product. Stable liposomes are the ultimate goal with manufacturing.
So when purchasing a liposomal product it’s important to know that the product is true to the label. Ask if you are not sure. Better still, ask for Lypo-Spheric® Vitamin C by name.
How to take Lypo-Spheric® Vitamin C
- In a small glass (ideally a ‘shot’ glass) add one mouthful of water (i.e. as much water as you can swallow in one go)
- Squeeze the contents of the sachet down into the lower half of the sachet
- Tear the top off the sachet and squeeze the contents into the water folding the sachet in half as you squeeze the contents out. This will ensure that you get the most out of the sachet
- The contents will sink to the bottom in the glass. Don’t stir it around
- Swallow the contents in one go (‘down the hatch’ style). This is important because only this way is it possible to avoid the product (which is sticky) sticking to the side of the glass and thus wasting some of it
- It is best to take it around 15 minutes before a meal
- Drink plenty of water (preferably filtered) during the day